our story
Prior to BFF official non profit status approval, ARTFONFA originally established in 2018, served as our initial community organization providing opportunities for hundreds of artists from all across the U.S. from in person art exhibitions to digital galleries. BFF continues to produce consistent community art exhibitions highlighting up-and-coming artists, specifically artists with marginalized voices, as well as expanding in many new avenues with various innovative programs such as workshops and mentorships.
At BFF we firmly believe the importance of expressing and creating art, art education, and the healing aspects of art are inexplicable in the influence and growth of one’s spirit. Everyone and anyone should be able to receive the gifts that come with expressing our own gifts.
BFF offers students from all different areas, cultures, backgrounds, economic statuses, and levels endless opportunities. Art teaches discipline and patience, boosts self confidence and morale, challenges and influences and most of all enriches the lives of not only the person creating but everyone around them. From outward expression to the most inner thoughts, art is the reason.